Annual Action Plan 2024-2025

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Two people on the lookout at Mount Arapiles with green farm land in the background


The draft Annual Action Plan for 2024-2025 was presented to Council at its monthly meeting on 26 February 2024. The document was be open for community feedback for 4 weeks and closed at 9am on Tuesday 26 March. The submissions will be collated and presented to Council for their consideration. Council will then approve a final version, and use the document throughout the financial year to help guide its priorities, projects and activities.

The Annual Action Plan is an important feature of Council’s ongoing commitment to good governance by promoting accountability and transparency through community engagement.

About the Annual Action Plan

This one-year plan is renewed annually, and reflects how Council will deliver commitments set by Council’s four-year Council Plan (including the Health and Wellbeing Plan) that in turn is informed by the Horsham 2021 Community Vision.

The Council Plan and Community Vision were developed through deliberations and consultation with a Community Panel in 2021.

The draft Annual Action Plan was developed in consultation with Councillors and Council staff. It identifies actions that align to the priorities and initiatives in our Council Plan and outlines the actions against these actions.

About the Proposed Budget Initiative

Within the Annual Action Plan there are seven (7) actions in blue font for ease of identification. These seven actions represent initiatives proposed for inclusion in the upcoming 2024-2025 Budget. The attached Proposed Initiatives document outlines those actions in more detail and is provided as the 2024-2025 Budget needs to include a general description of services and initiatives to be funded and must identify major initiatives identified by the Council as priorities in the Council Plan to be undertaken during each financial year [section 94 of the Local Government Act 2020].

These seven initiatives form the basis of the community engagement process for the 2024-2025 Budget and represented an opportunity for the community to contribute to the development of the budget.

Where to from here

A thorough review and analysis of all feedback will be now conducted. The insights gathered from your engagement will be shared with Councillors who will consider all feedback while finalising the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan and the 2024-2025 Budget. Both documents will presented for formal adoption in upcoming Council Meetings and will include an engagement report that shows how community feedback informed the decisions of Council.


The draft Annual Action Plan for 2024-2025 was presented to Council at its monthly meeting on 26 February 2024. The document was be open for community feedback for 4 weeks and closed at 9am on Tuesday 26 March. The submissions will be collated and presented to Council for their consideration. Council will then approve a final version, and use the document throughout the financial year to help guide its priorities, projects and activities.

The Annual Action Plan is an important feature of Council’s ongoing commitment to good governance by promoting accountability and transparency through community engagement.

About the Annual Action Plan

This one-year plan is renewed annually, and reflects how Council will deliver commitments set by Council’s four-year Council Plan (including the Health and Wellbeing Plan) that in turn is informed by the Horsham 2021 Community Vision.

The Council Plan and Community Vision were developed through deliberations and consultation with a Community Panel in 2021.

The draft Annual Action Plan was developed in consultation with Councillors and Council staff. It identifies actions that align to the priorities and initiatives in our Council Plan and outlines the actions against these actions.

About the Proposed Budget Initiative

Within the Annual Action Plan there are seven (7) actions in blue font for ease of identification. These seven actions represent initiatives proposed for inclusion in the upcoming 2024-2025 Budget. The attached Proposed Initiatives document outlines those actions in more detail and is provided as the 2024-2025 Budget needs to include a general description of services and initiatives to be funded and must identify major initiatives identified by the Council as priorities in the Council Plan to be undertaken during each financial year [section 94 of the Local Government Act 2020].

These seven initiatives form the basis of the community engagement process for the 2024-2025 Budget and represented an opportunity for the community to contribute to the development of the budget.

Where to from here

A thorough review and analysis of all feedback will be now conducted. The insights gathered from your engagement will be shared with Councillors who will consider all feedback while finalising the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan and the 2024-2025 Budget. Both documents will presented for formal adoption in upcoming Council Meetings and will include an engagement report that shows how community feedback informed the decisions of Council.

Page last updated: 26 Mar 2024, 11:21 AM