Horsham Airport Masterplan

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Horsham Flight Hub Masterplan


The Horsham Aerodrome is on the cusp of possible change to its role in the community.

The aerodrome has seen growth as a small general aviation aerodrome serving the aviation community with flight training, exceptional national and international competitions, air ambulance services and a number of very successful aviation businesses.

The Horsham Airport Master Plan looks at the various requirements for future airline operations at the site, general aviation activities and property development.

The Master Plan examines the past airport traffic, current demand, and the forecast aviation activity through to 2044. The Plan also takes a longer-term view of the airport activity and direction to map out the 50 year Airport Master Plan to 2074.

Most of the Airport’s operational focus and revenue generation is determined by airport land rental. A key opportunity has been identified for the start of revenue passenger services making this exercise a key aspect of the master planning process.

The Horsham Airport Master Plan then examines the existing airport infrastructure and identifies what infrastructure would be needed to accommodate the 2044 forecast aviation activity as well as significant developments needed to continue the airport growth to 2074.

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Submissions closed Wednesday 10 July

Further info

Funding was received via the Regional Development Victoria Investment Fast Track Fund to develop a Master Plan and Detailed Designs for the Horsham Aerodrome. The project was staged as follows:

Stage 1 Business Case and Feasibility Study

Stage 2 Master Plan and Detailed Designs.

Where to from here

A report to Council will be prepared for it to consider any changes to the Master Plan that have been recommended in response to community input. Council will then consider the adoption of the Plan.

The total cost of the aerodrome redevelopment is estimated to be $14 million (refer to page 86 of the master plan). It is to be noted that the master plan timeframe implementation is 50 years, however this expenditure would occur in the next 15-20 years. External grants will be applied for to assist in funding the implementation of the plan.


The Horsham Aerodrome is on the cusp of possible change to its role in the community.

The aerodrome has seen growth as a small general aviation aerodrome serving the aviation community with flight training, exceptional national and international competitions, air ambulance services and a number of very successful aviation businesses.

The Horsham Airport Master Plan looks at the various requirements for future airline operations at the site, general aviation activities and property development.

The Master Plan examines the past airport traffic, current demand, and the forecast aviation activity through to 2044. The Plan also takes a longer-term view of the airport activity and direction to map out the 50 year Airport Master Plan to 2074.

Most of the Airport’s operational focus and revenue generation is determined by airport land rental. A key opportunity has been identified for the start of revenue passenger services making this exercise a key aspect of the master planning process.

The Horsham Airport Master Plan then examines the existing airport infrastructure and identifies what infrastructure would be needed to accommodate the 2044 forecast aviation activity as well as significant developments needed to continue the airport growth to 2074.

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Submissions closed Wednesday 10 July

Further info

Funding was received via the Regional Development Victoria Investment Fast Track Fund to develop a Master Plan and Detailed Designs for the Horsham Aerodrome. The project was staged as follows:

Stage 1 Business Case and Feasibility Study

Stage 2 Master Plan and Detailed Designs.

Where to from here

A report to Council will be prepared for it to consider any changes to the Master Plan that have been recommended in response to community input. Council will then consider the adoption of the Plan.

The total cost of the aerodrome redevelopment is estimated to be $14 million (refer to page 86 of the master plan). It is to be noted that the master plan timeframe implementation is 50 years, however this expenditure would occur in the next 15-20 years. External grants will be applied for to assist in funding the implementation of the plan.

Page last updated: 11 Jul 2024, 08:45 AM